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“Oh no you didn’t”...“Oh yes we did!”

As performers and writers we felt the world was just about ready for a new and exciting outlet for creative and different pantomimes that don’t lose their traditional elements. We created Panto Fun to satisfy our curiosity for new and different scripts and to share those with you in an easy way. All our scripts are original and are published by Edgar Stephenson - a collaboration between Sarah Edgar and Helen Stephenson. In case you’re wondering, we write them too….oh and we are the best of friends!

We met years ago at a local amateur dramatic group. Whilst we don’t want to admit quite how long ago that was, it’s fair to say that we have been at it quite some time! And when we say “at it” we mean writing, performing, directing, designing and painting the sets, making the costumes, selling the tickets, assembling the props etc etc - you get the idea! And I guess we could add being daft to that as well!

Armed with more than one packet of biscuits, a bottomless teapot and several spoonfuls of spontaneity, Edgar Stephenson pantomimes have finally become a reality. We write stories you may be familiar with but you have never seen as pantomime, plus of course those we all know well.

In case you were curious, we like to write in the traditional pantomime style (Oh yes we do!) with a Principal Girl, a Principal Boy and of course a Dame. But we are far from traditional. In performing our productions, we have a fluid approach to casting. Sarah often plays the Dame (as well as the fool!) and this is much to the delight of our audiences. We hope our fresh outlook encourages Directors to pick the best actor for the role regardless of gender or tradition. So far we’ve only just scratched the surface of the stories that we want to tell, our work has led to us rediscovering once loved stories from our childhood that we had forgotten (and that’s not just due to age!). There is more come and come it will. Follow us on socials for updates and new titles as they become available.

But why do we love pantomime so much we hear you ask? Well, quite simply, for us both pantomime is fun! Yes of course it’s fun for the audience but it’s fun for the performers as well - or it certainly should be! So whether you are casting traditionally or with a twist we are with you all the way.

Yes we laugh at our own jokes, yes we want to perform them all and undoubtedly we would write quicker if we could stop laughing, but there’s nothing more fun than Panto Fun!